Cloud Gaming - Expert in Windows system development


Basic information
Department:Alibaba Group
Years of service:5 years

Job description
1. Responsible for the construction of the host system of cloud gaming, and build an application isolated running container environment based on the virtualization environment;
2. Responsible for docking the support of third-party game engines for various dependent environments of the system to form a complete cloud game running environment;
3. Responsible for supporting the social capabilities of cloud gaming and defining APIs for new scenarios of the application running environment;
4. Participate in the construction and optimization of the software system of the entire host system, and continuously promote the performance improvement of the system;
5. Responsible for the integration of cloud gaming cloud capabilities with mainstream game engines.

Job requirements
1. More than five years of C++ language development experience, proficient in using C++11 and able to use it to build large software projects.
2. Have a solid data structure and algorithm foundation, with C++ debugging ability and performance optimization experience.
3. Fully understand the basic knowledge of the operating system in memory management, thread scheduling and process management, and be able to use this knowledge to optimize the efficiency and stability of the current program.
4. Experience in the underlying R&D of Windows system, especially in display driver, input device, remote control, etc.
5. Have good engineering literacy, support codereview, be able to assist in the development of standards and humbly accept others' suggestions and comments on code improvements.
6. High quality of writing code, easy maintenance, good scalability, good habits of maintaining code documentation;
7. Have good oral and written communication skills and team spirit, and proactively develop internal and external assistance processes.